Video Transcript:
If you’ll be patient, I’ll tell you the bad news first. It is horrible news, but it’s essential to hear first!
So: first – God, who is above all things, is real.
Your instant response may be: “Oh, come on! No! God isn’t…” But I must ask you to stop and listen: God’s word, His own writing to us, speaks about this exact situation.
He has made all things, and His word says that all through your life, in everything you have seen in nature and all of His creation has clearly shown His character/attributes to you, proving He is real to you.
You may still argue: “No, I can’t SEE God!”
But wait – Jesus explained using the wind… Let me ask you, have you ever seen the wind? No? Does that mean that you can’t believe that “wind” exists? …well… You see a leaf dart and spin it’s way along, not knowing where the wind came from or where it went… …and you know the wind is real based on the evidence of what you saw, naturally!
So it is with God, all of His creation and all that is in it displaying something of Himself and character within it, and He has shown this to you repeatedly, so that no one has any excuse.
So to those who say: “Aw, God’s not real!”
This is wrong, as He has proved and shown Himself clearly, so that you will have no excuse or standing to say: “Oh! I didn’t know!”
Second – The Bad News: God is GOOD
You may be thinking: “Wait, what!? God is good…and that’s a bad thing? Huh!?”
Yes: That is a problem, because while God is good – we are not! If He is good, and we are not, what does He do with us? Especially considering that we are all evil!
You might complain: “Not ‘evil!’ There is some good in us!”
But that isn’t the case. While it is true that we seem, or appear, or look like we are doing good and positive things… …but according to God, all of our human “good” and all of our actions are worse than worthless to Him.
God’s first/greatest/most important command is to love the Lord, God, with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Have you completely been focused upon God, loving Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength for your entire life? Not perfectly? Well then, see: you have failed!
I have too, as has everyone – but it’s much worse than that… …all of us have broken His laws – this is called “sin” – all have sinned… …falling short and being “cut off” and disconnected from God.
Romans 3:23 – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Remember we were saying that “God is good” – so your response may quickly be: “Yes! So that means He’ll be willing to just forgive me.” But I have to stop you there…
You are right to readily accept that He is good – He is! And tender-hearted, and loving – He IS love… …but I want you to imagine with me, bear with me, let’s say you go home, or to a friend’s house, it doesn’t matter, you are going to see people you really, really love and care about deeply.
And when you get there, there is a man who has killed all of them but the last one, who he strangles just as you come in, throwing him/her to the ground in hatred.
Just then he looks up at you with a scowl – your instinct kicks in and you grab him, somehow the police arriving quickly and arresting him right away.
They are really on their game, quickly collecting fingerprints that match his, even getting your home security video that shows him clearly… …even “DNA” is collected and it’s proven to match him – I mean there is no doubt, this is the killer!
So they bring all this to the court and the judge listens carefully to all of the evidence presented. The judge turns to the killer and asks: “Do you admit you are guilty of this crime? You killed all those people?”
The defendant quickly answers, “Oh yes! I killed all those people! I mean, yeah, I was in the wrong, I guess…Sorry.” Or maybe he is genuinely sorry and says, “Yes, I killed them and I feel absolutely horrible about it! I am SO sorry, it was terrible and wicked!”
So the judge listens and says: “Well…as a judge… …you know, I’m just a very good, and loving, and compassionate – I’m extremely loving… …and I’m feeling for you even now, so…I’m going to let you go free, you’re forgiven – no punishment.”
Do you think you would be satisfied? Of course not, you would be livid!
You would be yelling: “What are you doing!? Judges are supposed to judge rightly! You are supposed to be just! You MUST punish the guilty!”
I have news for you: the same is true of God. Because He is perfect, and good, and compassionate, He hates evil! “Good and Loving” does not mean an apathetic or uncaring attitude toward evil! He MUST punish this evil!
You say, “But I’m not Hitler! I’m not going around killing and raping – I’m innocent! I’ve done a lot of good and very little bad!”
No…God says that all people have, from birth, only had their minds set upon and their motives have only been evil continually all their lives.
Genesis 8:21b – for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done.
Scripture warns you, if you are wanting to disagree with this truth, that people’s hearts are desperately and deceptively wicked – people’s hearts fooling themselves.
Jeremiah 17:9 – The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
You can easily think you are doing good and it seem to be so, but with only selfish, self centered motives behind it all. In that way, you can be completely set and directed toward the wrong thing entirely, and it be fully wrong. Remember: “Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength…” Being genuinely focused toward Him is not what the world is or has been doing… …and this is His first and greatest command!
So – as we mentioned before, His law has been broken… …His laws, like, “Do not murder.” You may be quick to say, “Oh! I haven’t murdered anyone!” But hold on…
Jesus told us that if we have hatred toward another person, that in God’s view, it is equal to murder… …So you are guilty of even this…as am I, and everyone else.
If you have ever taken something that wasn’t yours, even gum or a paper clip, knowingly taking it when no one was looking: then you have stolen and broken God’s law.
Jesus also said that if you look at another person with lust, that in your heart, you have committed adultery – which is wrong according to God.
If you use His name like a cuss word, blasphemy, this too is deserving of punishment.
My! How many things there are, more than this, deserving of punishment – and we are all guilty! And if He is a perfect Judge, He MUST punish the guilty!
In fact, He even says: “I will not acquit the guilty [wicked].” (Ex. 23:7b; Na. 1:3; et al)
So how do we take care of this problem? How do we escape this wrath of God? There is only One solution, Jesus.
The Good News!
By Jesus, who is God, came to earth – God’s only begotten Son, through a virgin, Mary, and was born and grew up here on earth. He, Jesus, Himself lived here perfectly, with NO failings. Jesus DID love the Lord with all His heart, mind, soul, and strength, continually, fully, and perfectly the entire way, perfectly! He was perfect! He was innocent – what we could not do, the life we could not live: He DID!
Wow! He was perfect – our opposite – sinless the entire way… …He had taken up a human body, lived perfectly in submission to the Father, until, at the end… …He willingly gave up Himself to die on the cross. Note that the cross is a tree, and in the Old Testament, His word from before, it says that everyone who is hung on a tree to die is cursed.
That is where our guilt – our punishment that we deserve and earned – was placed upon Christ. The responsibility for our sin was placed on Him and He took on our position as “guilty.” He was innocent of the crimes, yet accepted this in order to take our place and accept our punishment.
Because of this, His position of innocence and righteousness can be counted and applied to us… …and our guilt and sin may be carried by Him on the cross, taking our place as the guilty. Switching places with us for our sake: this is what He offers to you! How do you gain this?
There is one way: He commands all men everywhere to repent and believe in Him. That’s it! If you work really hard, commit yourself to seriously trying to improve yourself, or even sincerely pray, even often: it is no good and worthless to Him.
He will not accept this type of attempt to save yourself. The reason is simple: we are all evil and none of us are capable of doing any good! Which means: we are “helpless,” stuck, unable – we cannot save ourselves.
Give up! Surrender yourself to Him and believe Him! Trust and depend upon Him only! If you do this, He will start to work in and begin to change you.
If you sincerely tried to pray before, but you are not changed at all, there is nothing different about you compared to before – He is not in you. He promises His children, if He is in them (they are saved) He will begin to work in and change them.
Does this mean that they become perfect? No, not at all – but there is change and growth and improvement over time even though there will be setbacks. There will even be frustrations, but He will be bringing you the opposite direction of the way you were headed before. If He is in you, He will not only do what was just described, sanctify you, but He will also give you peace and reconcile you with Him.
Previously, you had rejected and had been cut off from Him, but now He will take you and reconcile you to Himself. That is, if you are not depending on yourself, making a decision or praying a prayer, allowing yourself to say, “I DID that in the PAST, now I can happily remain the same as I have always been without being bothered.” That’s not what I mean – that is not His way.
But if you are surrendered to and trusting Him – HE will be working in you and sanctifying you. Trust in His work and Him, not in your work and yourself.
Let’s say…well, maybe you’re confused about this sign that shows a “turning of your focus,” and want to know what is meant by that… …the English word I mean is “repent,” by using this sign that shows a turning away from something and toward and to God, I mean exactly that! Your attentions are directionally changed and you are focused in a different direction, so to speak.
Remember His first commandment? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.” Meaning a focus towards Him? That is being referred to! What were you doing before? Only looking at yourself, caring about yourself, being selfish, right?
Or maybe you were or only thought you were focused on other people – but you were completely ignoring God with everything and had abandoned the very idea of Him.
Or perhaps you had even fashioned, in your mind, some false god or idea of God that was false, serving it while realistically only serving your own desires!
But let me point out that He says in scripture that if you work and DO to get your salvation, it is no good – you would have a reason to be proud – and He will have none of that, at all. Only He gets the credit and the glory, and that’s if only He has completed the work of your salvation.
He will accept no human works in exchange for entrance to heaven or access to Him.
So lean on Him! That subject of “repentance,” then, is referring to your old way of complete ignoring of God to chase hard after sin and self only, with a passion… …is dropped in surrender as you turn toward Him at last – surrendering as you believe in Him.
It simply means to “give up” and believe in Him! To trust Him! To depend on His work, that He did on the cross.
…and how can you know that Christ’s work on the cross was acceptable and enough for the Father? Jesus rose again. Yes really!
His hands and feet were pierced on the cross, suffering all day, a crown of thorns on His head bringing blood… …He was beaten, cruelly, and His body suffered greatly, yes – but even worse than all of this, God the Father, as a perfect judge, poured out His just wrath on Jesus.
It was for the purpose of satisfying this (justice/wrath) and providing the ability to offer forgiveness by our place being traded with Christ’s and His for ours. At the end, the Romans came to the cross, wanting to make sure He was dead, piercing His side, water and blood coming out, showing that His heart had fully stopped and was really dead. His body was taken and sealed in a tomb for three days. On the third day, He rose again!
This is not something that naturally happened, never before in history! There was only One who raised Himself from the dead, Jesus! This was our visible proof that God indeed was accepting of the sacrifice made by Christ taking our place. Now offering forgiveness, and His offer is acceptable!
How amazing is this proof! …and He has given you so many evidences! …and so now, He commands you to repent, and believe!
If this describes you, I encourage you to find a local church that is strong in teaching/preaching the scriptures, properly.
Look for a church, go and they should be able to help you with how to be baptized by immersion and openly share that you are repenting and believing Christ.
They should be able to help and guide you along in how to grow in maturity as a Christian and how to live.